About Us

Silver Star’s Mission is to provide quality medical care and support services to people with health challenges, ensuring they are able to live at home and be part of the community.
Silver Citizens deserve the best care available; with the Silver Star Network, they get just that.
Silver Star is honored to provide services through the unique *PACE model of healthcare. Our PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) is one of only three programs in the state of Texas. We are a proud member of both the Texas and National PACE Associations.
The PACE Model utilizes an Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) approach which provides for coordinated, comprehensive care for each Participant. The IDT members include the Participant and/or their representative, Primary Care Physician, Nurses, Transportation Aids, Dieticians, Therapists, Pharmacist, Personal Care Aids and others as needed. This team approach provides for a high-level of communication and individualized attention for each Participant.

- CY 2021 Part D Model Materials
- Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) Marketing Information & Resources
- Exhibit 5A Silver Star Letter to Participants
- Exhibit 5B Silver Star Welcome Letter for Passively Enrolled Participants
- Annual Notice of Changes for 2021
- Explanation of Benefits EOB
- Member ID Card Sample
- Provider and Pharmacy Directory
- Summary of Benefits
- Grievance Information for Participants and their Family or Representative
- Appointed Representatives
- Appointment of Representative Form
- Participant Rights
See member handbook for details regarding enrollment & disenrollment from PACE services.

Margaret Deussen
“I moved here to live with my daughter and she found this place for me and I love it. It is just like home.
I enjoy coming. We have good times here and I can mix and mingle. I’m not sitting at home all day feeling sorry for myself, you know?
Everything is here. Everything is great. There’s no hustle or bustle.
We have a lot of different things. We can choose our own. You know, if we just want to lay around or look at the TV or whatever, you know? I mean, it’s up to us. They keep us busy. I can’t exactly tell you what but we just have a lot of things to do, entertainment and what have you.
Just visiting with the people here. I enjoy just the people that come and we all have things we talk about and etc.”
And how has Silver Star improved your quality of life?
“Oh, tremendously because when I came here to live with my daughter I didn’t know anybody or anything you know? It was all new. And when I started coming here it was like coming home every morning. I’d get up and I just enjoy it. I just enjoy coming because there’s things that we do and it just makes the day fly by. I enjoy it.”
How has Silver Star improved your daughter’s (caregiver) life?
“Well, she works and this is the best thing that has ever happened to her. She knows I’m here, she knows I’m safe and I’m not at the house running around turning over something or something like that. No, in fact she found this place for me and so she’s just real pleased that this is where I am because she’s satisfied that I’m in good care and not at home by myself, etc.”